Friday, May 31, 2013

Happy Anniversary... or Birthday?

Happy Birthday!!!
<----- Do you see that girl? That's Coree and she just had a birthday on May 30th.  Yep, that's right. But not just any birthday... You see, when she turned 35, as she was in that picture, she vowed that she would stay 35 FOREVER... well, maybe not for-ever; but as long as she could celebrate "anniversaries" of that birthday, she technically would be.

I know, I know - semantics - but it worked... that was until she realized, HOLY CRAP, I'm almost out of my 30s! I better start celebrating and making this last year in my 30s the best it can possibly be!

With that being said, welcome to her blog to chronicle her last year in her 30s. If she's going to be pushing the limits of her last year in her 30s, why not take a sit, grab some popcorn, alcoholic beverage and enjoy the show :) It's sure to be pure entertainment. So, from today until May 30, 2014 join her in living up her last year as a 30-something!

Welcome to "The 39th Year... And so it begins..." 

1 comment:

  1. I love it! I can't wait to continue the journey with you.

